Happy 128th Birthday

2024- Happy 128th birthday!  We are looking for 128 donors of $128 to help us reach $16384.  As of the end of 2023, we were almost at 25%.  Any amount is appreciated!


thermometer (1)



In 2021, we will celebrate our 125th birthday!

Spring 2020 postcard




The Exciting story of our 120th year! 

“I would like to see you school here a long time, I will match up to $120,000 to help Saint Paul’s Catholic School in your 120 Challenge!” Mr. Pomerleau tells Principal Beloin in a phone conversation on September 12, 2016.


The 120th year started in July of 2016 with our own families challenging themselves to raise $120 from 120 different donors, to obtain $14,400 additional donations in our 120th year.

When this was first promoted, a donor made an immediate matching gift of $14,000!

Upon the same news of our big anniversary, in September, Mr. Tony Pomerleau offered to match dollar for dollar up to $120,000!

After that, many large and small donations started coming, and our families got to work on our major annual fundraisers (many of which gain their profit because of sponsors).

By December we were delighted to report that we had made half of the challenge, $60,000. Mr. Pomerleau came personally and delivered a check for the same amount.

Mr. Tony Pomerleau, visited the school to bring a check for $60,000 to match funds raised for the school's 120th anniversary year.

Shortly thereafter he graciously allowed us to receive the remainder of his pledge(!) to invest upon our pledge that no principle would be used until it was matched by school donors.

Continuing our hard work, we closed out the school year with our annual June dinner, and some generous Scholarship Sponsors gave us two full tuitions’ worth of donations, propelling us past the $120,000 mark before June 30th, 2017!